Montana Weather Planner

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp

PHP scripts were used for the middleware of the website. This included communication between the front-end and the database, as well as rendering content returned from database queries.

MySQL & phpMyAdmin

For the backend data storage, the phpMyAdmin interface and MySQL were used. The database in this project was primarily used to store information like lists of possible locations that users could select, filepaths to graphics used in rendering the interactive map, and statistics on site usage.


For the front-end development of this web app, I primarily used standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for formatting and content rendering.


National Weather Service API

The National Weather Service API was used to retrieve forecast information for cities selected by users.

A working version of this project can be found here: Montana Weather Planner

Or, you can visit