Home File Server
This project used the open-source, free file server software "FileCloud". I hosted the server on an on-premise home server running Ubuntu Linux.
Utilizing Cloudflare Zero Trust (also known as Cloudflared) and modifying my domain's DNS records accordingly, I opened a secure, public pathway so that my file server could be accessed off-site at a domain of my choosing.
Montana Weather Planner
Originally created as a project for a Web Science course during my undergraduate studies, this web application allows users to view weather information for travel planning purposes. Users can select a start and end city along one of Montana's three interstates, and then the application uses the National Weather Service API to retrieve and display current weather at all significant locations along the route.
The application also included an administrative dashboard where an admin user could log in to view statistics such as the most common routes viewed by users, the most common cities selected, etc.
Ubuntu Linux
File Cloud - Community Edition
Cloudflare Zero-Trust ("Cloudflared")
MySQL & phpMyAdmin
National Weather Service API